Research Blog 10
Abstract Online learning is arguably one of the best assets to come to education from the effects of COVID-19. The potential of online education goes hand-in-hand with the potential of technology and what it has to offer to students. Although colleges are using online education to improve their facets for teaching, they are still lacking in many aspects of a college education. Colleges are not able to replicate the in-person aspect of college education in an online setting; therefore, many students are left feeling less motivated about continuing college education. There is a decline in student retention rates, but colleges still choose to focus on expanding their pedagogy. One of the ways colleges can expand their improving student collaboration with other students and teachers. Work Cited Caskurlu, Secil, et al. “A Meta-Analysis Addressing the Relationship Between Teaching Presence and Students’ Satisfaction and Learning.” Computers and Education, vol. 157, Elsevier Ltd, 2020, ...