Literature review 4

2. Richardson, Jennifer C., et al. “Social Presence in Relation to Students’ Satisfaction and Learning in the Online Environment: A Meta-Analysis.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 71, Elsevier Ltd, 2017, pp. 402–17, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.001.
3. The author looks into the concept of social presence. She defines what social presence is and explains its importance. She also relates it to other important aspects of learning to draw a solid conclusion about how to improve education
4. The author has a C.A.S. on educational research and program which makes her credible when researching a topic about education.
5. Social presence is a key term: it is defined as being connected with others (students and teachers) in a way that makes it comfortable for the student to learn. Student outcome is also a key term: it is defined as a learner's perceived measure of performance. Student outcome is a big part of Richardson's research because it helps related social presence to other parts of education (academics, motivation).
"'Students perceiving more social presence also used significantly more social presence indicators to project their own presence to their classmates'"
"social presence was positively associated with students' perceived learning and their satisfaction with the online delivery medium implemented by courses"
"found that students' perceptions of social presence were not a statistically significant predictor for performance on the examination. However, it was a significant predictor for performance on the written assignment."
7. This article helps me understand and explain an important part of my theoretical frame in greater detail. Social presence is an important part of the COI model and this article relates social presence to other education factor (giving more credibility to my model).
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