
Research Blog 10

  Abstract Online learning is arguably one of the best assets to come to education from the effects of COVID-19. The potential of online education goes hand-in-hand with the potential of technology and what it has to offer to students. Although colleges are using online education to improve their facets for teaching, they are still lacking in many aspects of a college education. Colleges are not able to replicate the in-person aspect of college education in an online setting; therefore, many students are left feeling less motivated about continuing college education. There is a decline in student retention rates, but colleges still choose to focus on expanding their pedagogy. One of the ways colleges can expand their improving student collaboration with other students and teachers. Work Cited Caskurlu, Secil, et al. “A Meta-Analysis Addressing the Relationship Between Teaching Presence and Students’ Satisfaction and Learning.” Computers and Education, vol. 157, Elsevier Ltd, 2020, ...

Literature review 5

2.  Lock, Jennifer V. “Abrams, Z. (2005). Asynchronous CMC, Collaboration and the Development of Critical Thinking in a Graduate Seminar in Applied Linguistics. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology , 31(2). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from Http:// .” JOLT , 3. The author explains the theoretical frame I am using for my essay. The article tells us the three components required in order for online learning to be a proper form of education. These three components are teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence. 4. The author has a doctor of philosophy degree in education technology making her a credible source when looking to classify how online learning works 5. The first key term is cognitive presence: this is when students are able to reflect upon their own ideas by exchanging ideas and communicating with others. The next key term is teaching pr...

Blog Post 9

Thesis Statement: Online education will cause universities to lose money, and their students will miss out on the chance to socialize which will influence both their education and their interest in staying in college; therefore it should not be implemented.  My research question is: What advantages does online learning hold when it comes to education, and can students and colleges use online education to its fullest potential? My research questions start out by examining all the potential benefits that technology has when it comes to education. But looking at it further, I realized that there were exceptions to the benefits. Mostly because students would behave in a certain way in a realistic online setting which wouldn't maximize the benefits that online education would give them. What I disagree with  “But in the world of online courses, it’s as if everyone can get to a distinguished campus.” (Ellis) Ellis, John M. "College After COVID: Higher education's online future....

Blog post 8

Link to case study article: My case study shows how two students from the University of Cincinnati have dealt with online learning. it also gives some insight into the experiences they have had with studying and lack of interactions with others. Both of these students seem to prefer in-person education more than online education. The first student, Amanda, states that all the assignments from college feel like homework and busywork which gives her less of an incentive to try on them. This makes her feel frustrated and anxious and thinks of college more as an obstacle rather than a place to learn. The second student, Chau, believes that online education has affected her education as well as her social life. She believes that online education doesn't give her the chance to interact with others which is deteriorating her ch...

Blog Post 7

  My theoretical frame model is the Community of Inquiry model. This model basically suggests that in order for a medium of education to be considered a proper form of education, it must have three important components: Social presence, cognitive presence, teaching presence. My work cited list includes resources that define what each of these three components means and how they relate to a proper educational experience. I will be researching how they correlate to certain aspects of students' educations. I will also be relating these ideas to my case study.

Literature review 4

  1.  2.  Richardson, Jennifer C., et al. “Social Presence in Relation to Students’ Satisfaction and Learning in the Online Environment: A Meta-Analysis.” Computers in Human Behavior , vol. 71, Elsevier Ltd, 2017, pp. 402–17, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.02.001. 3. The author looks into the concept of social presence. She defines what social presence is and explains its importance. She also relates it to other important aspects of learning to draw a solid conclusion about how to improve education 4. The author has a C.A.S. on educational research and program which makes her credible when researching a topic about education. 5. Social presence is a key term: it is defined as being connected with others (students and teachers) in a way that makes it comfortable for the student to learn. Student outcome is also a key term: it is defined as a learner's perceived measure of performance. Student outcome is a big part of Richardson's research because it helps related social presence t...

Research Blog Post 6

  This image represents the differences in the viewpoint of online learning. Most students believe that online learning is just as efficient as traditional classroom learning when it comes to communication between them and their educators. Most educators also believe that online learning is just as good as traditional classroom learning. However, when it comes to whether students believe that they actually learn better in an online setting than a classroom setting, the number of students is low (26%). This further reinforces the point made in my paper (an online environment for learning is too comfortable for students which interferes with their ability to learn properly).